As I am rocking my baby to sleep tonight I look down at my pants to find, boogers, I think food of some kind, and throw up from cleaning up my little guy less than an hour ago. As I take time to think of all the crazy things that go on during a 24 hour period all I can do is smile and giggle a bit. There have been many times I have wanted to cry, scream, lock myself in a room, or SLEEP ( I have done these on occasion ) but overall I would never want to change anything about being a Mom.
Being a mother is the greatest Blessing and Calling that we can receive from our Father in Heaven. I feel so honored that I have been entrusted with teaching, guiding, and loving these three precious kids of mine.
I am grateful for the gospel in my life and for the opportunity to be an eternal family.
I Love being a MOM!!
I have so been there and we are only one #1. It really is worth it all. :)