Today we attended my In-laws ward in California and it was Great! Tyson was excited because sacrament meeting was first, unlike our ward. We had a typical sacrament meeting going in and out to the bathroom a few times(that is why I like the back row!!!!)
It was time to head to Nursery, & Primary. Parker went into Nursery no problem, Tyson was a bit hesitant for primary. Once we found his class Tyson seemed just fine, he had a smile on his face and was fine with me leaving. As I was sitting in Sunday School I heard crying down the hall and I thought to myself, that sounds like Tyson. The crying got louder and at that point I knew it was my sweet little boy. When I went out in the hall he ran into my arms just sobbing. I am not sure which leader was with him but she said he was as happy as could be and then all of a sudden just started crying. Tyson is such a sweet, tender hearted kid and it sometimes gets the best of him.
We were in the hall and no chairs around, so I sat down on the floor with Tyson in my lap. As a Mom I love to hold and comfort my kids but especially when they are sad or hurt. As we were sitting on the floor the Bishop came by and asked Tyson if he would like a piece of candy, his answer, YES! We then headed down towards the Primary room and he started to cry again. The primary choirester was out in the hall and came right over to Tyson and asked him his name and if he would be her special helper. Tyson loves to help and said yes. When she came back out in the hall she showed Tyson what she needed him to do and he went back into Primary and stayed the remainder of the time.
As a member of our Primary Presidency I have always know how important it is to have great leaders for our sweet kids and today really reinforced that for me. To have a leader see Tyson and without any hesitation ask him to help her because she KNEW that would help him come back in to Primary touched my heart.
I am so grateful that Heavenly Father has given us such a wonderful Primary Program to teach our children about Christ and all of his teachings. My testimony grows stronger everyday watching my own kids and then again by seeing the example of all the children in our primary that I am privileged to look after and teach. I love my Heavenly Father and I am thankful for all the blessings that He has given me. I pray that I will always be able to recognize when I can help someone in need like the sweet primary chorister today with Tyson.
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